Before you start shopping for a home, ask these questions (and sub-questions) to make sure you’re on the right track to homeownership.
What do I want?
Gyms, yoga, swimming, hiking?
Cultural or sports centers?
Crime rate?
Public transportation?
Type of house?
Single-family? Condo?
Bed and bath count? Kitchen size?
Yard and outdoor amenities?
What can I afford?
How much income do I have?
What are my expenses?
What will taxes be?
What will insurance look like?
What’s the current mortgage interest rate?
Am I financially prepared?
How’s my credit?
How much do I have saved?
For a down payment?
For closing costs?
For repairs or other issues?
How do I make the best bid possible?
What’s a fair price to offer?
Should I go above or below asking price?
What contingencies should I request?
What perks can I add to make my offer better?